4 Quotes & Sayings By John Kennebrew

John Kennebrew has been featured on "The Oprah Winfrey Show," "CBS Evening News with Dan Rather," and "Good Morning America." John is a popular national motivational speaker, an award-winning documentary film maker, and a bestselling author of the book, Why Am I Afraid to be Happy?  

Being immortal is grand and all but I don't really...
Being immortal is grand and all but I don't really remember half of what I did. The human brain was not made to hold this much information. So it doesn't. John Kennebrew
Throughout the years I learned the good times must come to an end, all the bad times will get worse, and most recently I learned I have PTSD. Ileft a part of myself in that river, in that battlefield, in every tragedy. A couple thousand years of this and there is not much left. I never escaped that river. I am drowning in a sea of tragedy. A woman was standing in front of me. She smiled. “The psychiatrist is ready to see you. John Kennebrew
For as long I can remember I have wanted to die. So that started around age 6. I think. My earliest clear memories start at age 140. John Kennebrew